Plates, Bars, and Solid Milling
Precise Tool’s small milling capabilities are second to none.
This department is equipped with small vertical and horizontal machining centers. With multi-pallet capabilities, these machines are versatile for setting up several part numbers on a tombstone and continual spindle uptime without waiting to reload raw material.

We have capacity for both small and large volume projects in a broad range of metals and plastics, with various surface finishing available. Materials We Mill:
- Stainless Steel
- Aluminum
- Inconel
- Titanium
- Plastics
- Foams
- And many other specialty materials
Our engineering team works together with project managers to produce complex prototypes, leading to precision results that get your product ready for the market. At precise you’ll have the flexibility of 3, 4, and 5-axis precision cnc machining centers, combined with other advanced capabilities and our award winning team. Our state-of-the-art inspection lab on-site Precise Tool further allows consistent, on-time results.

Precise Tool's battery of Mazak Vertical mills can handle all your plate, bar, or solid milling requirements.